Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Illinois Mesothelioma Attorneys and Asbestos Cancer Resources (IL)

Illinois Mesothelioma Lawyers and Law Firms

Illinois ranks 6th in the U.S. for deaths from malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare, deadly form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure.
Mounting a mesothelioma lawsuit is a complicated process. For that reason, victims ofasbestos exposure may want to hire an experienced Illinois mesothelioma attorney who can help them to potentially win a mesothelioma settlement. Sokolove Law’s Illinoismesothelioma attorneys have helped thousands of people exposed to asbestos across the state get the help they deserve.
Those interested in filing an Illinois mesothelioma lawsuit, or a lawsuit for any asbestos cancer or asbestos-related injury, are advised to contact an Illinois mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible after diagnosis.
In Illinois, Sokolove Law’s local offices are located at:
47 West Polk Street, Suite M2
Chicago, Illinois 60605
(312) 442-0004

If you have any questions or need to contact Sokolove Law, please call the local phone number above or our toll-free number 866-607-3099 to speak with a mesothelioma paralegal.

Filing an Illinois Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Those interested in filing an Illinois mesothelioma lawsuit or in hiring an Illinois mesothelioma lawyer should be aware that their legal rights may be restricted by Illinois’s statute of limitations. A statute of limitations is the period of time you have until it is “too late” to file an asbestos or mesothelioma lawsuit. So you are advised to contact an Illinois mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible after a mesothelioma diagnosis in order to file any lawsuits within the state's statute of limitations.
An experienced Illinois mesothelioma attorney can help you present your case and maximize your chances of winning a settlement in a court of law. To make sure that you are protected under the law and to build a strong case, a mesothelioma attorney will first need to obtain the following information:
  • Medical records confirming a diagnosis of mesothelioma or other asbestos disease
  • Death certificate with cause of death listed (if applicable)
  • Work history or military service to determine how and when the asbestos exposure occurred
It is important to know that even if your loved one has already lost their battle with mesothelioma, you may still have the right to file a claim.

Asbestos Litigation in Illinois

Illinois was long associated with pro-plaintiff decisions in asbestos-related cases. More specifically, Madison County had been known as pro-plaintiff, due in no small part to the 10 years of rulings by Judge Nicholas Byron. Illinois mesothelioma lawsuits involving asbestos cancer often resulted in multimillion-dollar awards, such as the $250 million judgment issued in 2003 by a jury in Byron's courtroom.
When Judge Byron retired, his successor was urged to tighten up on Illinois mesothelioma lawsuits. Other Illinois counties also became less relaxed in allowing asbestos-relatedlitigation. For example, Cook County, which has one of the largest state court systems in the US, began sidelining cases filed by plaintiffs who do not display actual symptoms of asbestos-related diseases. Cook County Judge William Maddux began regularly denying requests for continuances, in effect giving Illinois mesothelioma lawyers about a year to prepare for trial, which can be a challenge since many cases involve more than 50 defendants.

Some Key Asbestos Exposure Lawsuits in Illinois

One asbestos-related case that sparked media attention in 2007 was Yanchick v. Rapid American Corp. et al. Originally filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County in August 2006, the case was later removed to the federal court for the Northern District of Illinois. The plaintiff sued over 130 companies but that's not why this case made news. It made news because it brings up the issue of second-hand asbestos exposure. More specifically, it asks the courts to decide whether an employer has a legally recognized responsibility to protect a non-employee spouse or relative from asbestos exposure outside the workplace.
There is no specific legislation about the damages that can be awarded to Illinois victims of mesothelioma. However, in Kochan v. Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp. (1994), when the defendant argued that the award violated the constitutional ban on excessive and unreasonable punishment, attorneys for the plaintiffs, a group of Illinois construction workers, were able to convince the appeals court to preserve the original monetary judgment.
See the topics below to learn more about asbestos exposure, doctors, and treatment centers in Illinois. You can also call us at our toll-free number 866-607-3099 or fill out the form located at the right-hand side of this web page for a free legal consultation specific to your potential case.

asbestos attorney washington

The study, prepared by the Environmental Working Group that, during the next ten years will die more than 100 thousand due to four related illnesses Bospstos, the tumor epithelial Central, asbestosis (a lung disease caused by long-term inhalation of asbestos particles), lung cancer and cancer of the stomach and intestines.

She said the group - a think tank based in Washington - that it had adopted in her study on the government data on deaths related to asbestos over the past 25 years, and examined the cases of death by disease asbestosis and epithelial tumor disease, which affects the central epithelial cells in the lung, heart or abdomen.

The study confirmed that, although most of the deaths were of workers employed in the manufacture of asbestos for decades, more than a million people currently exposed to asbestos in their work and millions of others in the environment.

Asbestos was used widely in the manufacture of fire-resistant materials and other buffer until the era of the seventies of the twentieth century, scientists have to be inhaled to cause cancer and other diseases.

Among the group's recommendations, issued an immediate ban on asbestos and health checks at the federal level and provide "a fair assistance" to victims of exposure.

Washington D.C. Mesothelioma Attorneys and Asbestos Cancer Resources (DC)

Washington D.C. (DC) Asbestos Information:

A recent report from the Government Accountability Office revealed that a number of low-paid maintenance workers who service HVAC and water lines underneath the buildings of Capitol Hill have been breathing asbestos fibers for years - and highly paid members of Congress took little, if any notice until Illinois senator Dick Durbin finally brought the issue out into the open in December of 2006.
This is the most notorious example of asbestos exposure in recent months, but it is by no means the only one. The District of Columbia has a mesothelioma mortality rate of more than 11 per million, or .0011%, and ranks 30th in terms of overall asbestos mortality.

The Hellhole Beneath Capitol Hill

In addition to 150-degree (Fahrenheit) heat, arsenic fumes and chunks of falling concrete from aging and deteriorating walls, the maintenance workers who have been responsible for the repair and maintenance of the HVAC and plumbing for federal buildings have been regularly exposed to large amounts of friable asbestos fibers. According to some reports, Capitol police have refused to patrol there because of the conditions.
Meanwhile, Congress exempted these employees from the same worker rights and protections granted to workers in almost all other industries.
These workers report to the Architect of the Capitol, a department which is "...responsible to the United States Congress for the maintenance, operation, development, and preservation of the United States Capitol Complex, which includes the Capitol, the congressional office buildings, the Library of Congress buildings, the Supreme Court building, the U.S. Botanic Garden, the Capitol Power Plant, and other facilities." The responsibility to provide a safe work environment for its employees is apparently not a high priority.
It was only when these workers appealed directly to Congress and the media (while the Architect used intimidation and harassment to silence them) that the senator from Illinois stood up and acknowledged that he and his colleagues had "...a responsibility to these [tunnel] workers and a responsibility to this nation to set a good example when it comes to worker safety."
While these workers may have finally won their battle, it is too late for most of them; recent medical examinations indicated that most had "the lungs of old men".

The Washington Navy Yard

Despite its name, the Washington Navy Yard hasn't actually built any ships since the War of 1812; at that time, it became a facility for the manufacture of guns and munitions.
Cutting edge technology has always been used at The Washington Navy Yard; it was not only the first manufacturing operation to employ the steam engine in the early 19th century, it was also the first in which computers were used to solve differential equations required for engineering in 1954.
The Yard - officially designated as the U.S. Naval Gun Factory in 1945 - ceased operations in 1961 and was converted to office space. Most industrial activities up to that time involved asbestos, and the Washington Navy Yard was no exception; the manufacture of guns and ship fittings involved the use of fire-proofing because of the blast furnaces, steel and iron-casting activities, and numerous flammable substances typically found in factory settings.
Asbestos exposure could also be the result of wearing protective clothing and equipment. Steel and iron workers often wore asbestos gloves, bibs and coveralls, which could release asbestos fibers if ripped open or worn. Welders, carpenters, painters, riggers, pipe fitters, electricians and metal cutters were all employed at the Washington Navy Yard at one time or another, and thus were exposed to asbestos fibers to some degree.

Washington D.C. (DC) Job Sites At Risk From Asbestos Exposure:

Over the course of the last century, hundreds of thousands of workers were exposed to asbestos while on the job – and for the most part, they were not warned. Below is a list of Job sites covered on Asbestos.net from the state of Washington D.C. (DC) where workers were potentially and unnecessarily put at risk:
Washington Navy Yard: Washington, DC

Washington D.C. (DC) Asbestos Cancer & Mesothelioma Doctors:

The diagnosis and treatment of asbestos-related cancers and other diseases is gradually becoming a sub-specialty in the field of medicine all its own. However, as of the present time, there is no medical degree that is specific to asbestos-related practice.
Most doctors focusing on asbestos disease today are trained in oncology, thoracic surgery, respiratory or occupational medicine, or some related field. Below is a list of doctors in Washington D.C. (DC) that specialize in some form of asbestos cancer or mesothelioma treatment and the institution they are currently affiliated with: 
Director of Surgical Oncology at Washington Cancer Institute
Washington, Washington D.C. (DC)

Washington D.C. (DC) Mesothelioma Lawyer & Legal Resources:

A search through the Washington, D.C., Federal District Court Cases for asbestos-related personal injury product liability lawsuits, such as mesothelioma lawsuits, does not bring up any lawsuits between 2006 and 2007. However, this does not mean that asbestos is not a concern in the region. The District of Columbia is ranked 47 in the U.S. for malignant mesothelioma cases. With a mesothelioma mortality rate of 11.45 per million, the District of Columbia has a crude mortality rank of 30 in the country.
There are two known asbestos-exposed areas in Washington, D.C.: the Government Printing Office, and the Washington Navy Yard. Individuals living or working near these areas should be checked regularly for signs of asbestos cancer such as mesothelioma in order to file any lawsuits within the district's statute of limitations - something that should be discussed with a Washington DC mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible. While these sites may have been inspected and cleaned up, anyone who worked or lived in these areas before asbestos contamination was reported can still be affected. Also, it is important to keep in mind that these are only known asbestos sites. Other areas in D.C. may also contain asbestos but may not yet have been reported as such.
Since the U.S. Supreme Court is located in Washington, D.C., there have been a number of key asbestos lawsuits filed and decided in the Washington, D.C., court system. One of these cases was Norfolk & Western Railway Company v. Freeman Ayers, et al in 2002. In this case, emotional distress damages based on fear of contracting disease was called on to be eliminated, since the plaintiffs in this case had successfully sued the company primarily on the grounds that they feared they might get cancer as a result of their asbestos exposure. The defense claimed that the asbestosis which the plaintiffs suffered was mild and required only minimal medical treatment, which seemed to make the million-dollar verdicts in the case unjust. Representatives for the plaintiffs asserted that when the award settlement was determined, the lower court had taken mental suffering as well as the physical effects of the asbestos into consideration. The plaintiffs were ultimately rewarded a reduced award.
Another key case submitted before the Supreme Court was that of Ortiz v. Fibreboard Corp., which involved victims exposed to Fibreboard Corporation's products. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the class action settlement violated Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The Supreme Court also questioned the fairness of the settlement since it would have allowed Fibreboard to settle all asbestos claims, current and future, with only $500,000 of its own money. The court noted that this would allow the corporation to retain virtually all its net worth at the expense of the victims.
Another asbestos related court case in Washington, D.C., which received a lot of media attention was Amchem Products v. Windsor. In this case, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeals court had overturned a nationwide class action settlement of future claims of asbestos-related injury, citing Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and stating that the class members were not adequately represented.
Those interested in filing a mesothelioma lawsuit in Washington DC should know that the statute of limitations for personal injury law in Washington, D.C., is ten years, with a discovery rule that states that this amount of time begins when the problem (in this case, the mesothelioma) either was discovered or should have been discovered, and that they should consult with a Washington DC mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible after they receive a diagnosis. A specific law governing asbestos states that lawsuits concerning injury or death from exposure to asbestos should be launched within one year of the discovery that the injury was caused by asbestos exposure. Statute of limitations on wrongful death cases is also one year in Washington, D.C.

Mesothelioma Attorney Utah

Belluck & Fox LLP

You can recover damages due to Mesothelioma, asbestos and toxic chemicals by hiring Belluck & Fox LLP. Individuals who have been diagnosed with Mesothelioma can get compensation from those responsible for the illness. Monetary compensation will not reduce your pain but it can get rid of the financial concerns that can have a negative impact on your family.
With Belluck & Fox LLP, you will be able to file two kinds of Mesothelioma lawsuits: wrongful death and a personal injury. The wrongful death lawsuit is normally filed by the survivors of a Mesothelioma patient. The personal injury claim is filed by the Mesothelioma patient. Legal rules and regulations are different for each kind of claim and are dependent heavily on the place where you have filed your case.
At Belluck & Fox LLP, your legal rights with regard to claim damages depend on issues including:
  • You will find that there is time limit for filing a claim. Generally, it is set by the statute of limitations. The time limit starts once your diagnosis is completed. You will not be able to get any sort of compensation when you do not file suit within the set deadline.
  • Mesothelioma has a long latency period but your compensation right is not going to vanish with the timeframe from exposure to diagnosis. However, the statute of limitations is going to have an effect on your legal right to file a claim.
  • When you work with Belluck & Fox LLP, you need not worry about your Mesothelioma case as the attorneys will prepare your case to ensure success in court.
To get justice, you may need to wait an extended period. Even if there is any delay in court proceeding, make sure you do not give up. All the legal moves are implemented after discussing them with you thoroughly.

Law Offices of Cooney & Conway

Operating in Utah for fifty years, Cooney & Conway make sure that you get compensation quickly. Their rates are not as high as other law firms. At Cooney & Conway, the main focus is on making sure that Mesothelioma victims get legal assistance at affordable rates.
In order to get a free case evaluation, contact the Mesothelioma attorneys of Cooney & Conway. They will tell you well in advance what sort of strategy they are going to follow in the court. Cooney & Conway employs a wide variety of tools and resources in terms of identifying worksites and manufacturers. The attorneys at Cooney & Conway are always ready for litigation against the companies responsible for your situation.
There are thirteen attorneys working in Cooney & Conway who give individual attention to your case. This means that all aspects of your Mesothelioma case are taken into consideration and the chances of you attaining success is higher. You can contact the attorneys of Cooney & Conway by e-mail or phone

Attorneys and Asbestos Cancer Resources (UT) Utah Mesothelioma Attorneys and Asbestos Cancer Resources (UT)

Utah (UT) Asbestos Information:

Although not an oil-producing region, Utah has a number of oil refineries. The petroleum industry is one of the most dangerous fields of work among industrial occupations, not only from immediate injury, but from asbestos exposure as well.
Despite this fact, Utah refineries have a better-than-average safety record. The state's mortality rate from mesothelioma and other asbestos-disease is also lower than many other states. Between 1980 and 2000, the population increased by over 33%, from 1.46 million to 2.23 million; during that same period, there were 157 recorded deaths from asbestos diseases such as asbestosis and pleural plaques as well as forms of asbestos cancer such as mesothelioma or lung cancer. Two-thirds of these were due to mesothelioma, while the remainder was from asbestosis. These were concentrated along the Wasatch Front, where the majority of the population resides.
American Oil, BP Amoco, Chevron, Flying J, Phillips and Standard are the major oil companies that own and operate refineries in the state of Utah. Other industries in which asbestos exposure is a risk include Intermountain Power and DuPont Chemical.
All of these companies are located in Salt Lake City and Provo.

Asbestos Hazards in the Oil Industries

In 2003, British researchers studied 45,000 workers who had been employed in the oil industry for at least twelve consecutive months between 1946 and 1971. These workers were employed in delivery and distribution or in the tasks of refining crude oil into fuel. There were no abnormal rates of illness among the first group; however, those in the latter category were found to have "significantly elevated" rates of malignant mesothelioma and other cancers when compared to the general population.
The process by which crude oil is refined into gasoline and other products requires the use of heat and chemicals; for this reason, asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) have been used in oil refineries practically from the beginning of the industry in the 19th century. ACM insulation has been used to protect distillation columns, pipes and various conduits, as well as working surfaces and other equipment.
One of the great ironies is the fact that some of the asbestos exposure suffered by oil refinery workers is from the clothing items intended to protect them from injury. This clothing - overcoats, gloves, hoods and aprons - was lined with asbestos fabric, which could release fibers when worn or ripped open.

Intermountain Power & DuPont Chemical

Power generation plants pose substantial asbestos exposure risks to those who repair and maintain them. A Puerto Rican study showed asbestos-related abnormalities in 13% of the chest x-rays made of power plant employees.
In addition to fire resistance, asbestos provides excellent resistance to electrical current, making it ideal for electrical cloth, conduits, and components of various mechanical devices such as generators and turbines. The latter is a particularly dangerous source of asbestos; as these machines operate, asbestos fibers are thrown out into air breathed by workers in the area.
DuPont Chemical is also listed as an asbestos location. This highlights another quality of asbestos that made it so useful: its resistance to corrosive chemical reactions.
In the case of chemical plants, the asbestos of choice is usually crocidolite or amosite. These are both highly resistant to acid, and frequently used in countertop or work surface material.

General Exposure

Utah has a fair number of older and historic buildings. As in the rest of the country, construction occupations - especially those related to demolition and renovation of aging structures - pose a certain amount of danger to workers. Those who work in construction trades should be aware of asbestos issues, particularly in how to identify ACMs when they are encountered. Removal of ACMs should be undertaken only by trained asbestos contractors. In many states - including Utah - only licensed asbestos abatementprofessionals are allowed to do such work commercially; violators can be subject to criminal prosecution.

Utah (UT) Asbestos Cancer & Mesothelioma Treatment Centers

Today, between 25 and 30% of all Americans will get some form of cancer during their lifetimes. There are many reasons for this, including the modern lifestyle and the poisons that have been put into the environment – of which asbestos is a prime example.
The number of clinics and hospitals that specialize in oncology have increased in response to the growing number of patients. Below is a list of the cancer treatment centers located in Utah (UT) that we feature on Asbestos.net:
Salt Lake City, Utah (UT)

Utah (UT) Mesothelioma Lawyer & Legal Resources:

A search through the Utah Federal District Court Cases for asbestos-related personal injury product liability lawsuits, such as mesothelioma lawsuits, brings up no recent lawsuits.
Utah is ranked 44 in the U.S. for mesothelioma cases. With a mesothelioma mortality rate of 5.83 per million, Utah has a crude mortality rank of 48 in the country.
Utah has a number of known asbestos-exposed areas. These include the Intermountain Waste Oil Refinery and the Standard Oil Refinery in Bountiful, Intermountain Power in Delta, the Chevron Oil Refinery in Ogden, and Inland Refining and Phillips Petroleum in Woods Cross. Salt Lake City alone has a number of known asbestos-exposed areas. These include the American Oil Refinery, BP Amoco, Chevron, Flying J, the Kennicott Copper Mine, and the Standard Oil Refinery.
Individuals living or working near these areas should be checked regularly for signs of mesothelioma and should contact a Utah mesothelioma lawyer as soona s possible after diagnosis in order to file a Utah mesothelioma lawsuit within the state's statute of limitations. While many of these sites have been inspected and some have been cleaned up, anyone who worked or lived in these areas before asbestos contamination was reported can still be affected. Also, it is important to keep in mind that these are only known asbestos sites. Other areas in the state may also contain asbestos but may not yet have been reported as such.
One important asbestos case in Utah took place in 2000. That case, State of Utah, by and through the Utah Air Quality Board v. The Truman Mortensen Family Trust and Roxanne Jensen-Daley, involved Roxanne Jensen-Daley, who was responsible for the Truman Mortensen Family Trust, a body which owned properties in Idaho and Utah. In 1997, the Environmental Health Division of the Salt Lake County Health Department ran an analysis of the ceiling tiles as part of the inspection of one of the buildings that the Trust owned. The tiles were found to contain asbestos, and the department advised Jensen-Daley of the issue. Jensen-Daley allegedly hired workers to remove the ceiling. When a Utah State Division of Air Quality (DAQ) inspector arrived at the site, he found that workers hired by Jensen-Daley were using improper asbestos handling techniques and were in fact producing large amounts of asbestos-containing dust.
Five days later, the inspector arrived again to witness further violations involving the removal of the asbestos. He verbally told Jensen-Daley of the dangers and advised her to hire qualified workers. The DAQ then received a phone call from one the building residents advising the DAQ that after the inspector's departure, Jensen-Daley herself was removing asbestos, again incorrectly. The DAQ Board issued the Trust and Jensen-Daley a "Notice of Violation and Order to Comply or Cease and Desist" for violations of various state asbestos regulations. The document outlined specific code violations, indicated that the order was to become effective immediately and would become final within 30 days unless a hearing was requested in writing, and made clear that failure to comply might result in penalties. Jensen-Daley was ultimately fined $23,000, which she appealed repeatedly. The Supreme Court upheld the fine.
Those interested in filing a Utah mesothelioma lawsuit should know that the statute of limitations for personal injury law in Utah is two years with a discovery rule that states that this amount of time begins when the problem (in this case the mesothelioma) either was discovered or should have been discovered and that a Utah mesothelioma lawyer will be most helpful in ensuring that important deadlines are upheld. Wrongful death cases follow the same statute of limitations and discovery rule. There is a special provision for asbestos cases which increases the statute of limitations to three years instead of two.